Unlock your potential with Coaching

Shed what doesn’t serve you,

tap into your inner wisdom

& move forward with renewed strength


The moment we ask a question, we initiate change
Sometimes our view on the possibilities and potential that lies in us and our future gets obscurred by inner blockages. Something  that we are not yet conscious of  wants to be seen and addressed before we can move forward again. This is when coaching helps.
I believe that you have the solution already inside you. They might not be visible to you in this moment, but with the right questions we’ll get there. My goal for you is that you connect back with your inner wisdom, make the solutions within you accessible to you again and by that to allow you to move forward with renewed strength.
Believing that the dots will connect down the road, will give you the confidence to follow your heart.

Steve Jobs

Get unstuck

Sometimes something is holding you back on your way forward. You have a vision, a plan and you are determined to go for it. And yet there is something that blocks you. There may be a piece of unresolved past in the way or a very strong conviction that you can’t free yourself from. Inquiring what blocks you and from there connecting again with what pulls your forward can be very liberating so that you can continue your journey to your desired future. With deep listening, powerful tools that access the wisdom of our body and unconscious and the right questions I hold the space for you and lead you gently back to yourself.

Building upon my Master’s degree in Psychology and depending on your quest and wishes we’ll work with one or more of the following approaches:

  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Projection Reclamation
  • Voice Dialogue
  • Focusssing
  • Neurographic®

Let’s inquire into how I can help you!

schedule time with me

How we start working together

In individual coaching, the right chemistry between coach and client is the necessary starting point for a successful process. I therefore offer you a free and non-binding conversation of 30min.

Here you have the opportunity to ask questions about me and the coaching and to formulate your wishes and expectations of the coaching. We can both check whether we can imagine working together. The interview takes place via a zoom meeting.

When we both give green light, you can book loose sessions or a coaching package:

Loose sessions of 1,5h: 150€  + VAT

5 sessions of each 1,5h: 700€ + VAT

Vera Hofmann's fine sense for the complex requirements and tasks of a department head, her excellent choice of methods and high competence for creating spaces in which I can make progress with my topics as well as the professional organization of the process makes the coaching very pleasant and fruitful.

Urban BeckmannHead of Department at ifa - Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen

Vera's ability to listen and show an appreciative stance towards people, combined with her sense of creativity and sharp intelligence caused me to ask her to do some coaching work for undersigned during the fall of 2022. Her ability to hold the space in a clear, creative and human oriented way, in short her ability to coach me as a senior executive, led to considerable learning on my side. Actually, to such an extend that she now has been requested to work on another series of (online) coaching sessions with me.

Joep C. de JongCEO of Learnholding B.V.

Do you want to start thriving again?

schedule your free intake call

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